The First Congregational Church and the City of Revere will be distributing turkeys to residents in need
The First Congregational Church and the City of Revere will be distributing turkeys to residents in need on Saturday Nov 21st, 2020. If you or someone you know is experiencing food insecurities for Thanksgiving, please email Revererec@revere.org so that the Church and the City can help. Pre-registration is required. The location will be emailed to you upon completion. Please email to start the process, or with any questions. You can also call 311 for help.

Hora Social Virtual en Revere
Atención residentes de Revere!
Están cordialmente invitados
A ser parte de una Hora Social Virtual por Zoom para: Conocer a sus vecinos de Revere en un evento divertido y amigable compartir experiencias e ideas culturales para mejorar la comunidad ganar premios al participar en la reunión, al contestar preguntas correctamente y más.
Juntos podemos fortalecer la comunidad
Martes, 17 de noviembre
7:30 PM-8:30 PM
Para mas informacion por favor envíe un correo electrónico a Reverewellnessgroup@gmail.com o llame o texto a 781-951-2401
Organizado por: El Comité del Bienestar de Revere, el Comité de Respuesta de Emergencia de la Ciudad de Revere y el Subgrupo Hispano. #RevereenEspañol

CHA Revere Centro de Cuidados
More food 🙂 , this is once a month this Saturday, May 2 th 10:30-11:30am

CHA Revere Centro de Cuidados
More food 🙂 , this is once a month this Saturday, May 2 th 10:30-11:30am

Distribuição de Aimentos (Brazilian Worker Center/Centro do Trabalhador Brasileiro)
If you are in need of food to cook at home, (rice, beans, pasta, sauce, coffee, and other essentials, we are able to help. 14 Harvard Ave 2nd Floor Allston, MA 02134

CHA Revere Centro de Cuidados
More food 🙂 , this is once a month this Saturday, May 2 th 10:30-11:30am

First Congregational Church Food Pantry (Copy)
Revere Food Pantry - Wednesdays at First Congregational Church 7:00 PM 230 Beach Street, Revere

First Congregational Church Food Pantry
Revere Food Pantry - Wednesdays at First Congregational Church 7:00 PM 230 Beach Street, Revere

First Congregational Church Food Pantry
Revere Food Pantry - Wednesdays at First Congregational Church 7:00 PM 230 Beach Street, Revere

Distribuição de Aimentos (Brazilian Worker Center/Centro do Trabalhador Brasileiro)
If you are in need of food to cook at home, (rice, beans, pasta, sauce, coffee, and other essentials, we are able to help. 14 Harvard Ave 2nd Floor Allston, MA 02134

First Congregational Church Food Pantry
Revere Food Pantry - Wednesdays at First Congregational Church 7:00 PM 230 Beach Street, Revere

Distribuição de Aimentos (Brazilian Worker Center/Centro do Trabalhador Brasileiro)
If you are in need of food to cook at home, (rice, beans, pasta, sauce, coffee, and other essentials, we are able to help. 14 Harvard Ave 2nd Floor Allston, MA 02134

CHA Revere Centro de Cuidados
More food 🙂 , this is once a month this Saturday, May 2 th 10:30-11:30am